Shawnderrick Scott was born and raised in Columbia, Louisiana. He attended Caldwell Parish High School from 2011-2015. Shawnderrick was very active in high school and he was a member of the basketball and football team. In basketball, he was a point guard and he was running back and a wide receiver during his time on the football team. In his free time, Shawnderrick performed in talent shows for his school. He graduated high school in 2015 with a 3.2 GPA. Unfortunately, in 2016, just a year after graduating he lost his mom. After that happened, Shawnderrick knew that he wanted to help people that went through a tragedy because he could relate to it as well.
When Shawnderrick realized that he was not going to play sports in college he quickly had to figure out a plan B. After graduating high school, he attended the University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM). He decided he wanted to study to be a radiology technologist, but his first semester did not go as planned. Shawnderrick wanted to use his people skills, so that influenced his choice of study. With that influence, he quickly realized that he needed to take a different route and pick a different degree plan. A friend told Shawnderrick about a social work program and immediately he knew that was his destiny. He always wanted to work in a hospital but when he found out that he could work in a clinic he was sold. During Shawnderrick’s last semester of college he was an intern at Green Oaks counseling, and he had to complete 400 hours. On top of that, He was working two full time jobs and going to school full time. Despite having a heavy load and being extremely overworked Shawnderrick was able to handle his business and successfully complete his college courses and internship. He graduate from ULM May 2020 with a 3.1 GPA.
Shawnderrick’s dad has been in jail his entire life, and when his mom passed, he felt all alone. Shawnderrick knows there are people out there who have felt the same way he has felt. He knows there are people out there that could even be going through worse situations. Some people have no one that they can talk to, so this really influenced his desire to become a social worker. Before graduating Shawnderrick began to start job hunting so that he could have a solid work placement upon graduation. He was able to find a great entry level job and started working immediately after graduation. He worked there for about four months, but he felt like he was not making any changes and he had become stagnant in his job. He wanted to do something major and did not want to be one of those guys that just get out of college and nothing changes. He was not scared to relocate, because he has been on his own for a long time. Shawnderrick decided to get back online and to begin applying for new jobs. He applied to one job and they loved his resume, so they decided to reach out to him and set up a phone interview. After a couple of phone interviews, the company was very interested in him and he was soon welcomed to their team. Shawnderrick currently still works for this company and is very happy with his position and ability to do more and help others.
Shawnderrick would like to leave readers with this statement, “Take the disadvantages in your life and use it as fuel. You have to motivate yourself even when there is no one else motivating you. Live for yourself and you will live your best life.”