On Friday, July 23, 2021, Caldwell Parish residents came together and cleaned up St. Paul’s Cemetery. Residents were complaining about how the cemetery was not being maintained. They decided to come together and take action. People came as far away as Monroe, Louisiana which is 30 miles south of Columbia, La. to give a helping hand. There were at least thirty people or more that showed up to help. Men showed up with chainsaws to cut up trees that had been uprooted and blown down by the hurricanes. People who wanted to come and help but couldn’t because they lived out of state donated water, Gatorade, and snacks. According to some residents, this is something that was long overdue and this is the beginning as a community. Many residents have committed to returning to continue the clean up process, to Honor the “resting place” of family and friends. Thanks to everyone who came out and gave a helping hand.